An Investment Firm of Choice for Individuals Seeking to diversify Their Portfolios into Tangible assets

    If you are going to jump into real estate investing, then you'll want to make sure that you avoid...
    Of course the steps are numerous and will depend on your individual circumstances. However, one...
    Yes, you can buy real estate with your IRA money. And retirees often have a lot of IRA money and...
  • About

    Mail: info@globaldiversifiedpartners.com

    Call at 619-500-4235

    When it comes to your finances, if you don't know where you're going, any road will get your there. We at Global Diversified Partners partner with your to re-claim your decision making, and ultimately your future.

    Our goal is to be the investment firm of choice for individuals seeking to diversify their portfolios into tangible assets, not just paper ones. Daniel Kalenov Global Diversified Partners has a global focus and we're opportunistic, but prudent.